Liliana Faith Lives Up to Her Name as She Battles CHD

Liliana Faith Lives Up to Her Name as She Battles CHD

Without knowing how their daughter’s heart journey would test their faith, Lisa and Gary chose her name, Liliana Faith, long before she was born. They say that she has truly lived up to her name by being a determined heart…

11 Years After an HLHS Diagnosis, Mason Thrives

11 Years After an HLHS Diagnosis, Mason Thrives

While still pregnant, Tonya was given a diagnosis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) for the son she was carrying, who would be named Mason. That news set her and husband Jeff on a roller coaster of ups and downs…

Heart Warrior Clara Was Full of Surprises from the Beginning

Heart Warrior Clara Was Full of Surprises from the Beginning

Clara came into the world prematurely on Labor Day in 2017. More surprises were in store, however, when she was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Defect three days later. Pediatric cardiologist Tim Watson, MD, went over Clara’s test results with…

John’s CHD Shows His Family How Strong They Really Are

John’s CHD Shows His Family How Strong They Really Are

After giving birth to three girls with largely uneventful pregnancies, Alicia was concerned when she and her husband Justin were referred to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology after their 12-week ultrasound of their fourth child, John. They saw pediatric cardiologist…

CHD Diagnosis Alerted Family to Down Syndrome

CHD Diagnosis Alerted Family to Down Syndrome

As a young couple with one child living in Charleston, SC, Christie and Billy were expecting a routine ultrasound appointment at their 20-week check-up. However, when the nurse became quiet and asked them to wait for the doctor to come…

Why Chloe’s Marathon is a Unique One

Why Chloe’s Marathon is a Unique One

When Chris and Carol adopted Chloe from China in December of 2014, they knew she had a serious heart condition. Specifically, Chloe had multiple holes in her heart, a condition that is typically treated before a child is six months…

Why Noah is a Heart Hero

Why Noah is a Heart Hero

Maria and Cesar’s heart journey began before their son Noah was even born. While alone at a routine checkup during the fifth month of her pregnancy, Noah’s mom, Maria, learned the child she was carrying had a rare and complex…

A Heart Warrior’s Parents Learn a Lesson in Strength

A Heart Warrior’s Parents Learn a Lesson in Strength

When one-day-old Caleigh was diagnosed with an atrial septal defect, her parents had a hard time wrapping their minds around what it meant. But when they were referred to a pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology, CHD became…

Life in a Pandemic is Business as Usual for Heart Warriors

Life in a Pandemic is Business as Usual for Heart Warriors

Sarah and Duncan learned early in her pregnancy that their twin boys would have a unique path in life. Wesley Blackwood, MD, pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology, told them during the second trimester that one of the…

Mom and Heart Warrior Daughter Reflect on Life with CHD

Mom and Heart Warrior Daughter Reflect on Life with CHD

A few weeks before her daughter’s birth, second-time mom Allison learned that her baby would be born with a serious CHD called tricuspid atresia. This defect occurs when the valve that controls blood flow from the right atrium to the…

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