Evelyn Tells Her Nurses “I’m Pink”

Evelyn Tells Her Nurses “I’m Pink”

Kimberly and Michael were living in Texas when they had their second child, far away from family and longtime friends. Evelyn was born with Tricuspid Atresia, ASD, VSD and Pulmonary Stenosis and needed a PDA stent and stent expansion as…

A Family Expands After Heart Warrior’s Diagnosis

A Family Expands After Heart Warrior’s Diagnosis

Cassie says that when you give birth to a heart kid, you become members of a whole new family, and it’s big – the family of heart warriors. That’s what happened to her 10 years ago when she turned up…

Physicians with Heart: Dr. Sanghee Ro

Physicians with Heart: Dr. Sanghee Ro

Although Sanghee Ro, MD, joined Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology at an unusual time – it was in the thick of COVID-19 – she was eager to put her extensive training into practice in the up-and-coming field of fetal cardiology.…

Child having ECHO

Pediatric ECHOs and EKGs Reveal Information About the Heart

Two of the tools pediatric cardiologists have when they want to gather more information about a child’s heart include the echocardiogram (ECHO) and the electrocardiogram (EKG). Both are noninvasive, painless and quick ways to learn about the heart’s structure and…

A child diagnosed with CHD holding a 1in 100 sign.

My Child has CHD – What happens now?

So you’ve learned that your child has a congenital heart defect (CHD). Their diagnosis may feel overwhelming. You may feel like the world has gone sideways. “My first reaction was to pick my baby up and run out the door;…

Pediatric Cardiologist Answers Your Questions About Cardiomyopathy

Pediatric Cardiologist Answers Your Questions About Cardiomyopathy

Robert Whitehill, MD, a pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Cardiology (formerly Sibley Heart Center Cardiology), answers some common questions about cardiomyopathy, a rare but dangerous disease of the heart muscle that affects approximately one out of 100,000 children…